Sunday, January 29, 2017

Positive Morals Versus Coercive Dogma

I submitted the following comment on American Thinker, to a post titled "The Catholic Church You Never Heard Of":

It is necessary to separate the personal morals espoused, from the dogmas insisted upon as being unquestionable, in a religion. This article seeks to defend the moral effect upon history of Catholicism.

But Catholic dogma is advanced here, in the comments, with no supporting evidence other than arguments from authority, such as that "it is widely believed" (that is, that the vast majority of "Catholic" churches, or sects believe); or that (for example) the Inquisition was somehow standard, "accepted" procedure at the time--that it was even "BENIGN", as one commenter here wrote, in capital letters. The innocent victims, such as Giordano Bruno, would beg to differ.

It is really pretty simple, though, if you're ready to lay down your dogma in favor of truly moral precepts, which of course Catholics commenting here show they are not willing to do (just like everyone does, of course, when they spout received dogma): You cannot call it "Christianity" if you worship "The Virgin"--that's ancient goddess worship, if you look far enough back in history, rather than just obsess about early Catholic sources, which operate in their own pagan-denying but pagan-promulgating, pagan-propagating bubble (the Pope is really nothing but a God-King, ruling "by Divine Right", and to be believed as such, "ex cathedra", as one commenter admitted). The dogmas in the Catholic Church--not "The Church", Catholics--are older than Catholicism, and you don't seem to know that, and, considering your apparent devotion to ancient history, are no doubt blocking from your own minds, in defense of your dogma.

All of today's religions still contain dogmas--good and bad, encompassing truth only in metaphorical, "mythical" form, and therefore misleading lies--from the first religion, before the beginning of history. Catholics are not alone in this, and should not be singled out for it. The millennia-long "war" between the Goddess and the patriarchal Gods, and later God, who followed Her in the religious development of Man--a war still alive in the Catholic Virgin worship--goes back to the very beginning of religious belief in pre-history, as it was the storied overturning of the Goddess by the patriarchal "gods" that marked the end of the "golden age", universally remembered in the earliest "myths" worldwide. The Titans overthrown by the "new generation" of Zeus were, before the patriarchal rewrite of ancient history, led by the White Goddess of many names, in many lands around the world: Eurynome, Venus, Cerridwen, Aphrodite, Astarte, Isis, Ereshkigal, Pele, Izanami, Atse Estsan (Navajo), ...virtually every goddess in myth is but another name, or title, in just another story, of the One Goddess.

The ancients worldwide, called pagans by the Catholic Church, LOVED their Goddess, beyond the ability of any new dogma to discard her. That is why the early Church--and it will always be "the early Church", or more correctly the Roman Catholic Church, not "the Church", to any but Catholic cult believers themselves--brought the Virgin into their midst, into the very center in fact (virtually as a goddess, The Goddess, in fact).

Just as the pagan "corn god" or other-named "agricultural" god, was sacrificed each year (like Jesus was said to be) at the winter solstice (that's Christmastime, to modern, still-pagan Christians), only to "rise again" at the time of the spring equinox (just as the Sun-God of old--and later, the son of the Sun-God--did, and Jesus the "Son of God" did, and as the physical Sun itself actually does, every year, in rising above the celestial equator just at that time), so the "fertility goddess" suffered her various mythical travails and lost her virginity(!), and subsequently gave birth (re-birth) to the Son of God (also of many names) each year, only to renew that virginity each spring, in token to all that new life springing forth at that same beginning of spring, and to her "eternal" nature--thus "ever-renewed", in her virginity, herself, and ever-renewing of the life on Earth.

The truth behind all the "sacrifice of the Son of God" stories, long before and up to the time of Jesus of Nazareth, and sacred tales that "He rose again", is that they are all variations on a religious mnemonic for the actual yearly passage of the Sun, as it makes a circuit of the starry sky, or celestial sphere, as seen by earthbound mankind--above the celestial equator for six months, then crossing to below the celestial equator for six months, with the crossing points defined as the vernal, or "spring" equinox (when it rises, or "springs", above the celestial equator), and the autumnal, or "fall", equinox (when it--wait for it--"falls" below the celestial equator).

I am the only scientist in the world who knows, for a fact, WHY the Sun's motion was so religiously enshrined, worldwide, before the very beginning of known human history, before the first human religion was in fact invented. It is the same reason--the same objective, physical origin--for the fact of all the "Creation" myths, including that told in Genesis. Because all of it--all the precise construction and working mechanism of it--was in fact deliberately imposed. It was not "Creation", but a re-formation, and a real 'overturning" of an older world (and solar system) order. But later religions TAUGHT it as "the Creation".

This new knowledge will usher in a new paradigm, in both science and religion. It is a crucial milestone in human knowledge. And only the many divisive dogmas, still going strong today, are blocking its revelation and new intellectual and spiritual honesty. When new truth becomes known, the path forward necessarily becomes "straight and narrow". The way has suddenly become very straight and very narrow, that will not allow mankind's unquestioned dogmas--whether the oldest religious ones, or the newest "scientific" ones--the free rein they have had up to now.


A few readers here may note I emphasized the historical passage from "gods-driven" ancient religions to later, morals-teaching religion, in the recent post, "Religion, Dogma, and the Ancient 'Gods'".

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